Thursday, July 23, 2009

Day 2

I didn't sleep well last night, I tossed and turned, then was up several times during the night. I had a bad set of tremors and that definitely helped keep me up. At some point I ended up with cookies in the bed, about 5:30am, I woke up choking on a cookie, then I had to throw up. Ick! I have to figure out what I'm stressing about, because that's what causes me to sleep eat. The thing is, nothing is really wrong at this moment in time, but perhaps it's my brain thinking of all the stuff that is going on next week and the weeks to follow.

A few of my friends have said that summer has gone by too fast, but for me it hasn't gone fast enough. I want to be back in school, dealing with my own homework, running Aggi to all of her activities, making sure she stays up on her homework, keep up with the dishes and laundry. For me when I'm so busy, things go good for me, there is no down time where my mind can wonder into all the negative areas, I don't get hallucinations during the day, because there is no time, I'm so focused on everything else, but once night hits, the hallucinations come, BUT being that I'll be up early everyday, hopefully I'll be asleep with the hallucinations try to visit.

I took a break from writing to go get some food and now that I'm back I'm not sure what else to write, so I'll stop for tonight.

Today is day 2 of no caffeine. Yay me!

Rich's kari

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